Hello, my friends! I am just so very pleased to tell you that things are moving along so well with my book of essays and with this newsletter. Making the decision to leave a steady job in an industry that’s in flames was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but I knew I needed to do it for my soul, and your support has not only buoyed me up from the depths of my fear; it has rocketed me back to a place of joy and creative satisfaction that I haven’t felt in years and years. My gratitude for you is enormous and eternal!
As I pursue my big dreams of publishing a book of heartfelt, hilarious, queer-as-heck essays, I need to continue to grow my newsletter subscriber base. And if you will help me do that, I will send you an adorable dang sticker that I drew myself. You can choose between Beth March or Socks! Here they are in real life form, helping me learn to draw!
And here they are in sticker form, drawn! (Beth was walking all over me the entire time I was doing this; she colored herself purple and green about ten times.) Their ears are tipped because these are feral babies we rescued and socialized nine years ago, and I never want to forget that. I love tipped ear cats!
You can get a sticker one of three ways!
Number one, you can become a paid subscriber! Memberships start at $5 per month! Or you can buy a year-long membership for $50, which works out to $4.16 per month, which is the cost of one bag of gummy bears here in New York City! Such a bargain!
Number two, you can be a paid subscriber already, and simply recommend my newsletter to your friends. You can do it on social media, or in person, or over email, or any way you like. It’s a scout’s honor system, so I’ll just trust you to recommend Cattywampus to your pals and then fill out the sticker request form!
Number three, you can buy a gift subscription to Cattywampus for a friend! And then you can BOTH get a sticker! It’s like BOGO cats and who could ask for more than that!
This super great excellent awesome deal will last through March 31st, my sister’s birthday!
You can find the sticker request form below, if you’re a paid subscriber. So sign up, or share, or gift, and then get your sticker! I’ll be mailing out the first batch on Monday, March 4th. Of course, our other cats, Dobby and Quasar, will get stickers of themselves one day soon, but Socks and Beth are my drawing companions so they’re up first.