Hello, my friends!
I’ve spent the past few days reflecting on all the things I’m grateful for this year, and one of the main things is you! Up until a few months ago, I had been so burned out and beaten down I honestly forgot what it was like not to feel that way. I started this newsletter as a wish for a hope for a dream of finding my way back to myself and my compassionate creativity — and oh, I am finally getting there!
I know a lot of you are seeing and sensing it too, in my writing and even in my social media posts, and I hope you also know that it would not be possible without you and your support of this newsletter. Not only have your financial contributions allowed me to take care of my many medical expenses without being tied to private company health insurance, your words of encouragement and kindness and warmth have reminded me who I really am and why I started writing in the first place. Thank you for believing in me and standing with me all these many, many years.
If you are a paid Cattywampus subscriber, I would love to mail you a holiday card, if you’d like to receive one! (I’m sorry I can’t afford to send cards to everyone who’s subscribed, but maybe one day!) I also have ten copies of The Long Covid Survival Guide that I’d like to give away to paid subscribers who need it. The Long Covid Survival Guide is a support group in book form, the first patient-to-patient guide by and for people living with Long Covid. I wrote the chapter on Dysautonomia.