i love you and just like, wow, the biggest and most earnest "fuck you" to the person who told you that ever?

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This is so beautiful! I work with youth literature (like, professionally) and was so grateful that I had to read middle grade literature (ages 8-12) during the height of the pandemic. LGBTQ+ stories for kids (even if the endings are pat) really touches the most hardened parts of my heart. We deserve soft, too.

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I also grew up with a vivid imagination, so I can totally relate. I'm not a huge horror movie fan either, though for different reasons.

Feeling the fear and doing the do anyway puts you light years ahead of those who prefer to hide behind the fear and scream at the bold. Much love and support from me.❤

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This is SO beautiful

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Heather Anne, I choked on my deviled egg potato salad when I read the ridiculous words that commenter wrote. Obviously not a long term reader, but rather a cursory one with obvious challenges with reading comprehension at that! You are still the most wondrous and wonderful writer I know and read. You took a show that my family originally planned to watch as a "hate watch," and made it one of our favorite shows to which we became full on dedicated to for SEVEN YEARS...that was partly PLL itself, but even more so it was your recaps with their deeply beautiful perspectives and creatively phrased analysis that enhanced the show immeasurably. Your words and your ability to see beneath the surface of something and appreciate it for all of it's potential, along with your childhood imagination helped Marlene King and Co. tell a story better than the one they sometimes told! Your recaps were what made us quickly realize that this show could be seen in a way that was so much more than what was on the surface. Your brought meaning to this show that those in the writer's room had probably not even realize was embedded there. You are my writing hero. I love your beautiful heart. I am so sad that it did get that way from being repeatedly beaten in various ways growing up, and I hurt for that little kiddo. I am glad that you had the resilience, brilliance and softness to survive all of that and come out the other side still so absolutely loving, open, and honest with the world at all times. I hope all of the scary brave ways you are reaching out right now will be soft with you, welcoming, and treat you like the rare gem that you are...all sparkly and unique and valuable! Lots of hugs! <3

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