These consultants sound pretty awful to me. No one wants unsolicited advice, especially of that nature. I love it that you post masked photos of yourself even though it’s somehow controversial to want to protect yourself and others. Masks are actually about making spaces more accessible to us chronically ill and disabled folks!

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It is so freakin' great that you post masked pictures. Every time you do that it makes it easier for the rest of us who are masking in public. And your masks are so much cooler than my boring white ones. Thank you!

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I'm astounded that people contact you to say that! What a job they have, to tell people that there's something wrong with them. Glad you have a better sense of worth.

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One of the things I most like about you is that you are unapologetically yourself.

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At almost 51, I really love the gray coming into my hair. I have always been the youngest amongst my friends, and have always dated people older than me, so I appreciate feeling a little more "seasoned." I have more grays than my GF, and she's 10 years older!!

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Yes. I feel like I have *earned* my gray hairs. Why would I not wear them with honor?

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